Castle Hill Academy Castle Hill Academy

A Platanos Trust School

In-Year Admissions:

Moving from another school mid-year


Applying for a primary school place to join Castle Hill Academy outside of the normal primary school admissions period

If you are moving to the area from another borough, or would like to join our school from a different school in the same borough in the middle of an academic year, you will need to apply for a primary school place through us. As this is outside of the normal admissions period, this is known as an in-year admission

To apply to join our school mid-year, please apply to us directlyYou will need to complete our application form (found at the bottom of this page) and return this to us directly. 

Please contact us on 01689 843148 or to arrange a meeting and a tour of the school.


For in-year applications for children with special educational needs: An education, health and care plan (EHCP)

If your child has an education, health and care plan (EHCP), please email for further information on the application process. Please also complete our application form (below) and return this directly to the school. 


In-year admissions application form

The below application form must be completed and returned to the school directly (either by post to our school office or by emailing our office). 

Download the application form by clicking here (PDF).