Castle Hill Academy Castle Hill Academy

A Platanos Trust School

Pupil Premium 

1.  Introduction

The Pupil Premium is additional funding provided by the Department for Education (DfE) to enhance the education of social-economically disadvantaged pupils (namely those pupils entitled to free school meals (FSM), previously entitled to FSM, 'Children Looked After' (CLA), previously CLA, or adopted from care). 

Schools are free to decide on how best to allocate the funds for programmes to support its disadvantaged pupils.

In September 2024, the percentage of pupils eligible for the Pupil Premium (including FSM pupils and pupils previously registered within the last six years, known as 'FSM Ever-6') at the school is 65%. We will update this information as appropriate later in the academic year.

The amount of Pupil Premium funding allocated for the 2024-2025 academic year is estimated to be £233,963.


2.  Our Strategy 

Strategy Statement 2024-2025

Our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement outlines our strategy to support and enable pupils to overcome the challenges to educational achievement. This statement (below) adopts the template provided by the DfE and is in line with the DfE and EEF's 3-tiered 'menu of approaches'.

Click here for our strategy statement (pdf).


3.  How we will measure the impact of the Pupil Premium 

We will monitor the impact of the pupil premium through a range of different measures where applicable. This will include, for example:

  • Overall academic progress made by disadvantaged pupils in comparison to their peers.
  • Wider (extracurricular) achievements.
  • Level of engagement in educational activities, learning, and other wider extracurricular activities.
  • Behaviour and personal skills development.
  • Cognitive or mental health and wellbeing.
  • Attendance/punctuality.

The above will be evaluated through a number of ways. This will include:

  • Tracking and analysis of pupil data and outcomes.
  • Case studies.
  • Feedback evaluation.


Date of next review of the strategy:   July 2025